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Solutions for Bad Habits, Weight Loss and Phobias 

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy will help you to make significant, positive changes in your life in a short period of time – with a focus on how you can ‘look within and help yourself’ to find the change and outcomes you want, rather than the issues or problems that prompted you to seek help.


My aims and purpose as a certified hypnotherapist are to empower people take back control of their lives, build their resilience and move forward. Ultimately, I want to help people achieve a better state of positive mental health for a happier, brighter future both at work and in their personal lives.
Sarah Coward, Your Best Mind Hypnotherapy
Your Best Mind Hypnotherapy
Stopping Bad Habits

So many of the issues society would label as ‘bad habits’ have such a negative effect on not only the mental and physical health of the sufferer, but also on their family, friends and colleagues. Smoking, misuse of alcohol and drugs, problems with gambling and money mismanagement – all of these can be both debilitating for the afflicted person, as well as having a devastating effect on those around them. Habits are formed and stored in our subconscious mind. Left to their own devices, habits will continue and repeat, as is the function of the subconscious part of our minds. The issue here is that as well as learning positive and helpful habitual skills, we also learn destructive ones – and breaking the cycle can be incredibly tough. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions focus on the subconscious mind, helping you to overcome fears, and open creative blocks – making a positive difference to the way we react by changing old patterns of behaviour to new more positive ones, enabling us to cope so much better with life’s challenges. The therapy focuses on your own inner strengths and resources enabling you to look forward to a more positive future where you are more in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Your Best Mind Hypnotherapy
Helping with Weight Loss

It’s estimated that around a quarter of the UK adults are classed as obese (with a BMI of 30+), with more than a third classed as ‘overweight’ (with a BMI of 25+) In the majority of cases, the causes of being overweight are rooted in a person’s mental health – linked to how they’re feeling and situations in their personal and work life which are causing anxiety and unrest. Things like stress, tiredness and sliding into a difficult relationship with food (such as late-night snacking, eating too much, using food as a comfort) can all contribute to you being overweight, and lacking the ability to self-help.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapy for those who are trying to lose weight, as well as trying to deal with the causes of the weight gain. It can help to not only reduce anxiety and stress, but also help you change the way you think and act around food. Often when these life issues are dealt with, people find weight is much easier to lose. Traditional diets do not look into the reasons why you are over eating and have put on weight and do not give you improved confidence and higher self-esteem – in fact many people fall into a guilty cycle of binge eating and dieting which often adds to the anxiety and depression they are already experiencing. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions enable you to feel more confident about your body, change negative thoughts about eating, and allow you to approach weight loss with a responsible and sustainable mindset. By focusing on the unconscious mind, your hypnotherapist can help you develop a more positive relationship with food and exercise, both of which are key to healthy, long-term weight loss and management.

Your Best Mind Hypnotherapy
Easing Phobias

A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. These quite commonly manifest as a severe fear of flying, heights, needles or health treatment, confined spaces and/ or crowds – but there are many known phobias and each can be crippling in their own way.

Phobias are far more pronounced than fears - developing when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger, with the person suffering from the phobia actively avoiding the cause of the fear at all costs. The phobia (and/or avoidance they incite) causes the person significant mental distress and/or negatively impacts other areas of the person's life such as work, school, or relationships. Phobias can limit your daily activities and prolonged suffering can cause severe anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy is a very gentle and effective method for overcoming fears and phobias. It can make a healthy difference to the way we react by changing old patterns of behaviour to new more positive ones, enabling us to cope so much better with life’s challenges. The UK Mental Health charity Mind cites using understanding, empathy and support as three key ways to support someone with phobias and chronic fear – and these are all traits that I bring to therapy sessions. With Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, beneficial results are often achieved faster than with other therapies because we’ll look at what you want to achieve (the solution) rather than at whatever prompted you to seek help (the problem). It helps to rewire your brain to build new healthy patterns of behaviour, breaking the negative-thinking cycle, helping you to overcome fear and to move away from phobic feelings - allowing you to make real, positive change and apply these changes in your everyday home and working life.

Your Best Mind Hypnotherapy

For more information about what hypnosis is, the scope and format of Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy sessions, as well as guidance for how I work with clients, please look at Your Therapy Page.


I offer a complimentary 20 minute Discovery Call where I can answer any particular questions you have, both about your own specific needs and about Solution Focused Hypnotherapy – or, if you are just ready to get started - then book in for your Initial Consultation.

Sarah Coward, Your Best Mind Hypnotherapy

"I believe that everyone should have access to high-quality mental health support whenever they need it; and becoming a Clinical Solution-Focused Hypnotherapist in practice will now permit me to help many others.  My aim and purpose are to empower others to take back control of their lives, overcome their challenges and build their resilience and move forward. Ultimately, I want to help people achieve a better state of positive mental health for a happier, brighter future both at work and in their personal lives"

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